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Lyra Skala


Brand: Lyra

Lyra Skala is a Canadian singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. Born in 1982, Skala grew up in a small town in Saskatchewan, Canada, where she learned to play the fiddle and other traditional instruments. She later moved to Vancouver and studied music at Capilano University, where she honed her songwriting skills and performed in various local bands.Skala's musical style is a blend of folk, pop, and country music, with lyrics that explore themes of love, loss, and self-discovery. Her voice is powerful and expressive, with a range that allows her to convey a wide variety of emotions.Skala has released several albums and EPs, including "From Ashes," "The Brink," and "Firefly." She has also performed at numerous festivals and venues across Canada, sharing the stage with notable artists such as Sarah McLachlan and Colin James.In addition to her music, Skala is also an advocate for mental health and self-care, speaking openly about her own struggles with depression and anxiety. She uses her platform to encourage others to prioritize their mental health and take care of themselves, both physically and emotionally.Through her music and activism, Lyra Skala is a dynamic and inspiring figure in the Canadian music scene, and a powerful voice for self-expression and self-care.

  • Type: Moving Coil
  • Output Voltage: mV
  • Freq Response: 10Hz - 50kHz
  • Tracking Force: 1.65 - 1.75 g
  • Mass: 9 g
  • Channel Separation: 35 dB
  • Channel Balance: 0.5 dB
  • Load Impedance: 5.5-10 Ω
  • Output Impedance: 5.5 Ω
  • Stylus:
  • Stylus Tip: 3 x 70um Ogura PA Line Contact
  • Cantilever: Boron Rod
  • Dynamic Compliance: x 10-6cm/Dyne
  • Static Compliance:
  • Price: $2500

Lyra Skala

Lyra Skala

Lyra Skala

Lyra Skala

Lyra Skala

Lyra Skala

Lyra Skala

Lyra Skala

Lyra Skala

Lyra Skala

Lyra Skala
